Prayer Links
This group meets to join together in prayer for the requests and needs of the congregation. We also pray on behalf of any request that is made known to us worldwide. “Ask and it will be given you, search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches, finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7: 7-8.
Home Communion for Homebound Members
The Pastor and Elders of the church provide Holy Communion and fellowship to our members unable to attend worship services at church.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our small, but very dedicated, group of men, women, and teenagers knit and crochet prayer shawls for those in need of God’s comfort and encouragement. The acts of creating, giving and receiving have enriched the spiritual lives of all involved.
Small Group Ministries
At St. Paul’s we believe that the Body of Christ grows and benefits by the experiences we have in small groups. Therefore, we provide opportunities to join with others to study, discuss, grow and learn about various Christian principles and practices, theological and Biblical studies. Among our more recent studies are Experiencing God, and bi-monthly Bible Study.
Transportation Team
Volunteer drivers are available to take members to medical appointments as needed with advance notice.
Hospitality Ministry
Members of the church offer hospitality in Fellowship Hall after funerals allowing grieving family members to visit with loved ones. This ministry has been put on hold during the pandemic but will resume as soon as we are able to hold funerals in our church.