Our church offers a number of opportunities for service. Whether you’re interested in mission work, are handy with tools, or prefer to work with numbers, St. Paul’s has a group for you! Service is an important aspect of church membership as we all use our unique talents for the benefit of the body of Christ.
Fellowship Committee
This group hosts periodic gatherings to facilitate fellowship among the church community. The committee always welcomes new ideas along with new members. Fellowship events are usually held in conjunction with the regular Sunday worship service. For information on specific events, please check the church newsletter, The Pulse.
Visitation/Communion Committee
The purpose of this committee is to assist the pastor in visiting and administering Holy Communion to our parishioners who are homebound, hospitalized, or residing in nursing homes and are unable to receive communion at our Sunday worship services.
Finance Committee
This committee reviews the expenses, revenue and trust fund performance of the church’s finances and is also responsible for preparing the annual church budget.
Technology Committee
The Technology Committee keeps the church current with computer equipment, copiers, audio-visual and other electronic equipment. They are responsible for the church website, social media communications and overseeing audio-visual presentations as they relate to the worship life of the church.
Mission Committee
The focus of the mission committee is to improve services to the community. Community dinners are one of the ways this group provides outreach, along with coordinating fund raising drives for specific mission projects. The Mission Committee is currently offering drive thru meals until the Covid restrictions are lifted.
Personnel Committee
This group meets as needed to discuss personnel evaluations, issues and concerns. The group also meets to discuss salaries and present a proposed budget to the Finance Committee.
Property Committee
This committee oversees the upkeep of the church building, grounds, and parking lots. Participants are asked to participate in planning discussions as well as to participate as appropriate in some of the projects.
The Music department offers opportunities to participate in both voice and bell choirs. The Senior Voice Choir meets weekly and always welcomes new members. This group regularly participates in the Sunday Worship Service. For those who prefer to be a ‘ringer’ two bell choirs welcome new members; the Kidz Ring Bell (children from the Primary Sunday School class) and the Adult Bell Choir. These choirs typically meet on a weekly basis and participate periodically in the Sunday Worship Service. For information about the voice choir please contact director, Carol Reinhard. Please contact Donna Sheaffer for more information on the bell choirs.
Women’s Guild
All of the women of St. Paul’s make up the Women’s Guild. The mission of the Guild is to enhance the spiritual life of the women of the church through the fellowship shared in their activities. Their wide range of contributions of these dedicated, compassionate women to our church include maintaining the kitchen, social services such as our Greeting Card, Quilt and Prayer Shawl Ministries, hospitality and outreach to various local missions.
The Guild holds an annual Christmas Bazaar as the main fundraiser. Cookies, delicious food, handcrafts, white elephant items, and our famous mice ornaments require many hands and weeks to prepare. Monies made from the Bazaar are used to support the church in many ways including property improvements, missions, and other ministries.
Worship Committee
The Worship Committee plans and co-ordinates worship activities for the church. Additionally, this committee is responsible for making the necessary preparations for baptisms, receiving new members, Holy Communion and other special worship services. A multitude of other tasks are completed by this committee to provide meaningful worship experiences.
Elders (Spiritual Council)
The Bible lists a number of responsibilities of church elders. At St. Paul’s, our Elders are charged with the following:
- Carry the ultimate responsibility and authority to see that the church remains on a true biblical course; that its members are being appropriately shepherded, that the body is being fed through insightful and accurate biblical teaching, and that the life of the church is being well managed with the assistance of competent and godly leaders.
- Guard the body of Christ against harmful influences, confronting those who are contradicting biblical truth or continuing in a pattern of sinful behavior.
- Shepherd the church by being an example and role model.
- Care about the spiritual and physical well-being of members; pray regularly for the sick.
Church elders are nominated and approved by the congregation to serve for a four-year term.
Deacons function as servants, ministering to the church in practical ways. They assist as ushers, tend to benevolence, and count tithes and offerings. The deacons also provide for stewardship by staying connected with church members and praying for the needs of the church. Ministering as a deacon is a rewarding and honorable calling in the church. Deacons are nominated and approved by the congregation to serve for a three-year term.