Small Groups that Explore Spiritual Development
Sunday School Classes
There are two classes held every Sunday at St. Paul’s for various age groups. Many of these classes not only provide for spiritual development, but offer opportunities to participate in many giving and mission projects. Check the calendar for class times and meeting locations.
Youth Group Sunday School – ages 2 through 6th grade
We have adopted a new one-room schoolhouse curriculum from Group Publishing titled “Character by God’s Design”, which ties Bible stories to various character traits. Great emphasis has been placed on what our families prefer to do via online surveys. A COVID Safety Protocol has been put in place to safeguard the health and safety of our Sunday School families and teachers. Currently we are using ZOOM for our classes until our families feel safe to meet in person.
Confirmation: Once a child has reached grades 7 – 8, he or she may participate in the confirmation class as a prelude to church membership. These classes are held periodically throughout the school year and are intended to provide information about worship and service and overall spiritual concepts and development. At the end of the year, participants who successfully complete the confirmation program are welcomed as a member of the church in a special service.
Adult: An adult discussion class is held at the church every Sunday typically using a book or other resource to guide the discussion.
Experiencing God
Written by Henry Blackaby and Claude King, this study provides practical, insightful instruction on what it means to have a true, dynamic relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ on a daily basis. Participants are provided with a workbook that is used as a study guide to complement a book and video. We will be starting this study group again in February of 2021.
Contact Keith Wuchter for more information.
Small Groups that Share Common Interests
The Music department offers opportunities to participate in both voice and bell choirs. The Senior Voice Choir typically meets weekly and always welcomes new members. This group is currently looking for a Choir Director. If you are interested in this position, please contact the church office.
For those who prefer to be a “ringer” our bell choir welcomes new members. This choir typically meets on a weekly basis and participates periodically in the Sunday Worship Service. Please contact Donna Sheaffer for more information about the bell choir.